Our Mission
- fund scholarships for students who seek degrees in art-related fields, such as, but not limited to music, art, theater, drama, photography, cinema and creative writing
- give students an opportunity to learn about theater by supporting community theater groups through coordination of volunteers and through financial support
- support school districts in programming for arts
- provide support to students to participate in music, art and theater festivals designed to enhance the student’s knowledge and skills in these areas
- promote collaborative art projects throughout southern Illinois
- provide support for students to learn about and participate in theater by providing money for transportation costs, participation fees and other costs associated with participating in theater
- coordinate art educators for community presentations and lessons
- encourage artists to use their artistic talents for the advancement of society
- affirmatively promote access to theater and art to minorities
- affirmatively promote access to theater and art to persons who live beneath the federal poverty guidelines
We sincerely appreciate that you are a part of the work we do. We could not offer this programming without the generosity and support from the community.
Our Founding Board Members - 2005
The "Artstarts Company" was the name on the entry form for a small group of Marion, IL kids and moms who took their Fiddler on the Roof, Jr. group to the MTI Theater Festival in Atlanta, GA in January of 2005. Their success at that competition fueled Rebecca (Becky) to imagine an Arts group that could welcome all interested children to participate in the wonderful world of theater, music, and beyond. This is how Artstarts Company was born!
Front to Back, Left to Right: Rebecca O'Neill, Beth Mohlenbrock, Sara Bond, Cindy Hunt, Barb Cypin